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Morning, apologies for the delay in coming back to you, please see below the answers to your questions:

Are you whole of market - or panel?

We pride ourselves on being whole of market for everything we offer (mortgage, loans, insurances, pensions and investments). We do have lending panels that are representative of WOM, but if a better deal is available for a client, then all options are open, as long as evidenced.

What percentage do you take of lender proc / ins commission??

15% on the first £40,000 each year, reducing to 10% on the excess (Inclusive of PI and all services).

How many page: fact-find? suitability report?

Our current FFs and SRs are: The Trigold FF and SR for mortgages (But we are currently having our own adviser-friendly FF and SRs programmed into our adviser-friendly intranet system. IFAs use our adviser-friend FFs and SRs.

How long to upload doc's on office system? How often do you check cases compliance etc.

We believe we have the most adviser friendly and quickest system in the industry - ask any ofour members - I have never heard it be criticised!

Julian Harris
07703 569850

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