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AI can greatly enhance compliance efforts

AI can greatly enhance compliance efforts, but it's essential to recognise what part it plays. Human oversight and judgment are still crucial to ensure that AI systems are used responsibly and ethically. Additionally, regulatory requirements and ethical considerations must be carefully considered when implementing AI solutions for compliance purposes.

Overall, AI can succeed in compliance when integrated thoughtfully into a compliance software solution, complementing human expertise and enhancing overall effectiveness #regtech #compliance #ai #financialservices

Hey, GPT, write me a bland generic blog post about AI and compliance that will get no traction and limited engagement.

Thanks for your comment and for showing interest in our compliance software.

Well said BAT.  Brilliant response.  I'm quite interested as you know despite the other person's comments.

It is so unnecessary and not helpful when people post stuff like that.  It's all bravado and hiding behind a keyboard. 

We all know that we need the ability to talk to Providers so we should at least be respectful when companies give us the chance to raise legitimate queries.

That said, why not actually tell us about your product so we can find out if it would suit us?


Said the Anon poster.....


Well that made me laugh!!!

Surely if you are an AR of a network you would have to have this product rubber stamped by their compliance department.

I would have thought your main target audience would be the Mortgage Networks and not so much the broker

I don’t even think AI will understand the FCA handbook! 

Agent is typing....

Quick peak at there website would suggest their main R&D Director was at intelliflo for 15years!

Intelliflo = beginning of the end for any mortgage firm. see Tenet!


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