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Borro ‘2017 the Year of the Underwriter’

26 January 2017

Borro, the leading platform for secured lending to wealthy clients, believes that the example set by lenders like Borro, which successfully harnesses the experience of human underwriters to assess cases, will see larger lenders of all types step back from a reliance on technology as their primary underwriting resource.

According to Claire Barrington-Jones, Director of Sales at Borro, the lending industry as a whole has had time to come to terms with MMR and MCD and the time is right to see a change of underwriting emphasis across the industry.

She said, “The success of smaller lenders in assessing and granting loans to clients that larger lenders have rejected, is testament to the value of experienced underwriters. They are able to assess suitability from the perspective of the lender and the borrower which ensures a compliant balance between good client outcomes and prudent lending practice. Technology is a tremendous helpmate for modern lenders particularly for initial assessment but will never be able to replace the accumulated experience of their human counterpart in dealing with complex cases that many times fall outside the norm.

2017 could well be looked back on in the future as the year that the underwriter was again centre stage across the market.”