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3MC choose Promise Solutions for loans

06 June 2011

3mc the national mortgage club and packager has joined forces with Promise Solutions to offer mortgage intermediaries access to Promise’s leading range of Secured Loan products and services. Advisers will be able to access loans using point-of-sale technology that provides instant quotations to ensure intermediaries get fast and accurate information on the most competitive available. Doug Hall at 3mc commented: “Our members have already acknowledged that Secured loans are an increasingly important product for advisers, and indeed form part of a truly TCF offering, however some were put off by a previous lack of products and a perceived lack of compliance around them. Teaming up with Promise provides an immediate increase in the choices available with their whole of market panel, and advisors can also take advantage of the unique price comparison tools and audit trail that only Promise can offer”. Hall added “Secured loans were previously viewed as a sideline product, and whilst many clients still have great low SVR deals, many mortgage companies are still taking a dim view of adverse, the self employed and more marginal applications. The need for a Secured loan outlet has never been greater” Steve Walker, managing director at Promise Solutions, says: “The 3mc strap line of ‘Mortgage Distributing through technology’ goes hand in hand with the way Promise approach the industry, with our award winning LenderQuote system we provide 3mc members a quick, controlled, transparent and compliant sales process. In addition to this, our whole of market panel and exclusive product plans allow us to provide additional depth to a brokers portfolio of products, and with average commissions well over £1,000, and sometimes over £2000, we can also help their bank balances”

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