Nikki Thornley, a police officer based in Aberdeen and her family are the fourth family in the Seven Families campaign. As Nikki lives in Scotland the Sunday Herald covered her story and you can view it at  The Seven Families team will be releasing a wider press bulletin for consumer and trade media use.


Close to Valentine’s Day, Nikki's story is a poignant one. A mother of two young children, she and her husband set off on a motor bike trip to celebrate his fortieth birthday. A few miles into the trip she lost control of her machine and suffered injuries which confined her to hospital for a year, unable to embrace her children and she now faces the prospect of permanently requiring a wheelchair plus care support.


As with many people of working age who suffer a critical illness and/or disability,  family finances, financial commitments, increased costs associated with their health condition and treatment,  lack of financial protection cover,  the realisation that employer and  working age state welfare support is limited relative to lifestyle needs plus lack of the social interaction/buzz of the work place have combined to require Nikki to consider a return to work - As required by employment law, her employer has considered her situation, been able to find her a role and make adjustments to hopefully accommodate her needs, but, this means returning to a much reduced role with future earnings and  benefit package implications……. A key financial educational aspect and discussion point from Nikki’s story is the reality and financial implications of a return to work following a critical illness and/or disability if your employer can make adjustments to your own or an alternative suitable role - This is little understood by consumers and remember, if your employer cannot accommodate it, your contract of employment could be terminated.

The aim of the campaign….. Is with the support of health and disability charities, to prompt consumers to think about their financial vulnerability and what they might do about it....... The families being featured are based in different parts of the country, come from various backgrounds and are experiencing the impacts of a range of different health conditions and injuries.


Find out more about the initiative itself and Families 1, 2 and 3 video case studies and diaries at ……


And, you can now follow Seven Families on LinkedIn.