SPECIALIST - Specialist finance enquiries are on the increase as clients get turned away by their high street lender, or have their application reviewed and previous agreement over turned in these unprecedented and challenging times.


LENDERS - are still lending. Not all of them, but a few. And we are delighted to have great relationships with all of our lender partners, appreciate they are lending in this climate and will do all we can to work together to get your clients application through to completion as quickly as possible. See our website for the latest product and criteria updates.


BRIDGING - is an option available and some lenders are using AVMS. Yes some lenders may withdraw, but then others might find a way to lend.


GENERALLY- with things changing constantly, try to convert DIPS to applications as quickly as possible and check the product availability before submitting.


EXPERIENCE - We're in our 29th year. That gives us a vast amount of experience when dealing with you, your customers and lenders. Our online system is second to none and should give you all the tools you need to convert business over the coming weeks and months. Let's work together.


Visit our website each day http://www.impactpackaging.co.uk/intermediaries/news.asp to see our daily update! 


Alternatively, call us on 01403 272625 to help with all your specialist finance cases.


If you would like to pass the customer over to Impact Specialist Finance to handle, for example the case is too complex (Bridging/Over 55’s/Portfolios), you are going on holiday and they require an immediate solution or you don’t have the relevant permissions, we are able to accept referrals for regulated and non-regulated cases. You will still get paid and the customer will always remain yours!