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A 20K bridging loan will have limited options due to lenders minimum loan size.  I do have one lender in mind who may be able to assist – we will need to know the following


  1. Is this a reg or non reg deal (this lender only offers non reg loans)
  2. Current value of the property
  3. Details of the works being undertaken to the property
  4. Loan term
  5. Exit strategy


In terms of fees etc the lender arrangement fee would normally be 2% of the loan amount (can be added to the loan if required)


Impact SF charge an application fee of £395 at full application stage (non refundable)

We can give advice if the adviser does not have the required permissions

Overall costs will be determined by the lender we are working with


Happy to discuss further


Sue Allen
Specialist Mortgage Consultant
01403 321722
01403 272625
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