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Agreed, first issue is lenders need to drop the free standard legals tag line (even though thats an improvement from free legals.

£20 fee to ID verify each client - if thats not standard for every case what does standard mean?

£40 to £75 ? TT fee - again, in every case

£? to check an AST + £? to check bank statements for rental income on BTL's - again doesn't every BTL have an AST in place, and if the lender truly insists on this we've either already provided to the lender as brokers, or they can request from us and we can provide to underwriter.

Couple all this with a poor service, not answering phones, spending most of the time trying to find excuses for not doing what they should have done instead of doing what they should have done, conveyancing is very very poor nowadays and getting worse.

Personally, I think more case handlers, less lower grade staff who don't really know what their doing. 

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