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LiveMore are excited to launch our brand new product offering – LiveMore 1,2,3 and 4.  This new tiering will enable us to offer more options to your customers and give wider reach across the market. 

The LiveMore tiering structure allows you to match your customer to the most appropriate product for their needs - the maximum loan amounts can vary by tier with their LiveMore 4 product allowing for more complex credit issues than previously considered.

The new tiers will enable you to help more of your clients, including those looking to consolidate debts, remortgage or purchase a property of non-standard construction or where your client has a more complex credit profile. 

For more information about LiveMore 1,2,3,4 and what this means for you, watch the short video here.

Helping more customers from 50 to 90+ is why we exist and this new product offering is the next logical step in their journey of offering more options and more choice to your later life borrowers.

View our product range here

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