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We are carrying out a research study on behalf of a major UK mortgage lender. The lender we are working with is enhancing their online capabilities, and is keen to get feedback from brokers who place cases online with market lenders.
Would you be willing to help us? The research will involve a 60 – 90 minute online interview by Zoom or video chat, in which you’ll be asked to navigate your way through some web pages and tell us your thoughts about how easy it is to do, and what could be improved.
As a thank you for taking part, we would offer you £80. We would provide this via an Amazon voucher or via PayPal, whichever you prefer.
Before taking part, we will need to ask you some quick questions, so we can make sure we include a mix of brokers in the research. If you are interested, please find the link to the survey here:
Please be assured this is a genuine market research study, we will not ask for any account or case details and no sales call will result from our contact with you.  Your answers to these questions will be treated confidentially.


Thank you,

Emily, Emotional Logic.

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