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FIBA 2018 Launch & Annual Conference

Time and date: 17 January 2018
Location: London
Organiser: FIBA
Website: Click here

On 17 January 2018, FIBA will host its inaugural launch conference, in a highly prestigious location in London.

Our Launch and Annual Conference is an event to which all current Members of the Association of Bridging Professionals are invited.

In addition, we also extend that invitation to Brokers, Intermediaries and Lenders involved in the finance Industry to come and play a part in our launch, being able to see at first-hand how FIBA will offer new opportunities for this vibrant and highly important segment of the finance sector.

Keynote Speaker: Michael Saunders

Michael is a member of the Monetary Policy Committee with the Bank of England with a term spanning 9 August 2016 - 9 August 2019

Previously, Michael was UK economist at Citigroup from 1990 to 2016. From 2008 to 2016, he was also Head of European Economics and managed the Citigroup economics teams in Japan and Australia. Michael originally joined Salomon Brothers, which became part of Citi by merger, as Vice President in 1990. He was promoted to Director and, from 1996, Managing Director. Michael has also been an occasional expert witness on the UK economy for Parliament’s Treasury Select Committee.

From 1988 to 1990, Michael was an economist at Greenwell Montagu (now part of HSBC). He worked as part of a team covering the UK economy.

From 1986 to 1988, he was a research analyst at the Institute for Fiscal Studies, working on the taxation of savings and assets, corporate taxes and oil taxes.

Michael studied Econometrics at London School of Economics, graduating in 1986.