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SimplyBiz Group launches package of additional support for all Member & Client Firms

14 April 2020

We are delighted to announce the launch of a package of additional support, specifically designed to provide assistance to your business, and enhanced benefits to your clients.

The SimplyBiz Group have been working hard to support the firms we serve through these changing and challenging times, and thus far our primary aim has been to ensure continuation of service to all firms. We have quickly mobilised our teams to work from home using advanced technology solutions that ensures our service to you remains uninterrupted. Our helpdesks are fully functional and all of our compliance visits continue remotely.

Whilst this is a significant achievement in itself, we want to go further to support you. We want to provide you with a special package of support that is unrivalled anywhere else in the sector. The firms we serve will always come first, and we are proud to outline below a comprehensive business assistance package designed to support you when you need it most.

We are delighted to announce that every Member and Client Firm will have access to the following seven initiatives; 

1. Helping support your cashflow

We are launching a NEW three month payment holiday scheme for all Member and Client Firms, designed to help you with your immediate cash flow.

We are offering you immediate access to a payment holiday on your membership fees, and all fees relating to compliance services (including compliance visits and file checks) for the next three months.

This payment holiday is free from any interest payment and is designed to help you with your cash flow during these unprecedented times. Furthermore, the holiday payments will then be spread over the next 12 months of your membership, ensuring you have ample time in which to spread the fees.

To activate your payment holiday please click here to complete the form

The repayment will be spread over the following twelve months and is subject to your continued membership.

2. Helping you service your clients remotely
We will be integrating a leading online video conferencing and screen sharing platform into CENTRA, allowing you to deliver first class service in a digital environment. This will enable all CENTRA users to make contact with their clients and run client meetings as if they were sitting next to them, sharing their screens so that clients can see the development, or review, of their financial plan in real time.

We will be supporting this technology as a standalone tool for non-CENTRA users, mortgage advisers and credit brokers.

Help guides, videos, live demonstrations and training sessions will be fully supported by our dedicated team.

We will help you to get up and running so that you have the skills and confidence to work with your clients in a new way. We are working hard on the technology integrations now and expect this to be available soon. We will then continue to develop the functionality of this integration for the future. This functionality is designed to help you now, and in the future, serve more clients, more effectively and more profitably.

3. Helping you access finance
We are launching a new resource centre specifically designed to help you access information on Government financial support initiatives. We will provide support and guidance that is relevant to your firm as well as reliable answers to the common questions you may have. You will have access to an email helpdesk for you to ask specific questions.
4. Helping you earn
We will provide quality training and support to help you diversify revenues in protection, general insurance, estate planning and wills.

We are now offering free access to a three-day estate planner course (complete with certification) to enable you to give advice and take instructions for wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney. Each of these are now fully supported for remote working and APS will complete all legal document drafting under our PI insurance. Recent market data suggests an increasing demand for wills and LPAs, and we are here to support you so that you can help your clients.

We would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that we operate SimplyProtect, a bespoke panel of insurers paying enhanced rates of commission. This service is free to sign up to and will instantly improve the remuneration you receive from your protection business

Finally, we will also be delivering remote training and education on protection, GI and estate planning products.

5. Helping you learn
Our extensive and diverse face-to-face events and CPD programme has now moved on-line. You can now attend any of our CII accredited events in a virtual environment, ensuring continued access to the best presenters and technical content. We have invested in state-of-the art online conference facilities to allow you to continue to learn and build up your CPD hours effortlessly.

We will provide further updates on the events that we will be running from now until July over the next few days.

6. Helping you stay informed
We will deliver regular digital briefings on changes in legislation, market updates and specific technical subjects throughout the next three months. These will be available for you to view in Adviser Media Player and we will send out email updates, directing you to the latest content.
7. Helping your wellbeing
We are launching a mental health and wellbeing module to all Member and Client Firms to help you maintain your wellbeing. This module is used in workplaces across the UK and has received excellent endorsement and feedback. Shortly after launch, we will be making the same facilities available for you to give to your clients through your NextGen website.
In summary, The SimplyBiz Group is here for you and your firm. We will;

• Help you manage cashflow
• Help you work remotely
• Help you access finance
• Help you earn
• Help you learn
• Help you stay informed
• Help you ensure the wellbeing of your teams

Please click here to access the seven key initiatives, launched as part of our additional support package.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our customers well. We remain wholly committed to supporting your business and It is our privilege to serve you as we manage this disruption together and strengthen our future prospects.

Thank you for your continued support.

Best Wishes,

Matt Timmins & Neil Stevens
Joint CEO