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The Moving Hub employee wins The Rotary Young Citizen of the Year Award

16 April 2020

Alfie Swaby, Client Support Executive at The Moving Hub, a leading conveyancing platform and case management system, has just been awarded Young Citizen of the Year at the recent The Rotary awards.

Alfie has fought mental health issues since the loss of his father and to help him in his battle, he decided to his record his story and daily feelings in a video which soon went viral.

This video was seen and picked up by teachers and head teachers who then asked Alfie to speak at assemblies, talk directly to children and helping them also share their personal struggles in a safe environment. So inspiring is his story that more and more schools are asking for his time.

Peter Joseph, CEO at The Moving Hub, commented:

“We are so proud of Alfie and winning this award I feel is just the start. I look forward to seeing his mission to help others grow and grow and we will continue to do everything in our power to support him.

His story is inspiring and I would personally like to say congratulations to Alfie for winning this prestigious award.”

Alfie Swaby added after winning his award and a cash prize:

"The Rotary Club awarded me with the regional young citizen award for my work in schools and the community with helping young people break the stigma surrounding mental health, it was an honour to win the award and will allow me to speak with even more young people not just across Essex but hopefully the UK.

I’ve decided to use the cash prize to support a school who are short of money to buy resources for the Wellbeing Day. I’d also like to say thank you to The Moving Hub for being so supportive as an employer.”