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Service update – Buckinghamshire Building Society

30 November 2020

Currently like many lenders, Buckinghamshire Building Society is experiencing record volumes of applications and this in turn is causing some processing issues.

In order to help us, it is important that all applications sent to us must be accompanied by the documentation that we have requested with our DIP acceptance email.

This will enable us to process the cases in a timely manner and ensure that they can be passed to an underwriter without further delay. If we receive applications without the documentation requested, we will not be able to process the application, which is turn will cause delays and ultimately cases will be returned after 7 days from receipt, if we do not have the documentation required to enable us to process the application.

We are also asking for valuation fees to be paid when the application is submitted to us so that we can instruct a valuation as we are finding that valuations are taking up to three weeks to be booked in at the moment. Cases will not be passed to an underwriter for an assessment unless a valuation fee has been paid.

It is also important that if your case is a residential application that we have assessed It at DIP stage. If we receive residential cases, which have not had a DIP acceptance decision, then these will be passed for a DIP review before being reviewed. Currently, we are operating on 5 working days for a DIP decision.

Please help us to help you.

Many thanks for your support and assistance in this matter.