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The Right Mortgage enjoy Non-CAS Academy success

01 February 2021

Since the appointment of their brand new Supervision and Development Manager, Michael Harrison, The Right Mortgage and Protection Network have been experiencing a tremendous amount of positive feedback surrounding their Non-CAS Academy, and the role Mike Harrison’s plays within it.

People enter the mortgage and protection industries from a range of different backgrounds and different levels of education, but the common factor for each of these individuals is the drive to succeed in this industry.

This is where The Right Mortgage and Protection Network have been actively able to support individuals, whether they are brand new to the industry, returning from a break, or if they’re an existing adviser looking to expand their offering.

Since the Non-CAS Training Academy’s inception in 2016, The Right Mortgage and Protection Network have trained over 260 advisers, many of whom without the support and the efforts of their specialist trainers, would not have been able to enjoy a career in financial services.

An integral part of the Non-CAS Training Academy is the ability for those joining to trade under an established Appointed Representative (AR) means they will receive unrivalled on-the-job training.

By offering the right levels of training, it provides the platform for people to maximise their talents and for the industry itself to progress in the right manner.

The renewed efforts of the Non-CAS Academy have been led by their new Supervision and Development Manager Michael Harrison who has been instrumental in supervising Non-CAS individuals to obtain competency.

“From my perspective I am really pleased with how this new role for the network has developed since October when I started. The Supervision and Development Manager role allows me to use all of my experience in mortgage and protection advice, management, compliance and training to great effect with my trainees.

This helps with those that have been away from the industry for a while, to those that have recently passed their CeMap having decided that this is the industry for them.

We are empowering firms within the network to expand, even during these challenging times, confident in the knowledge that they can continue doing what they do best – running their own businesses – whilst their trainees are developing their skills, in order for them to support their business growth.”

- Michael Harrison - Supervision and Development Manager at The Right Mortgage

“Mike takes the time to adapt my training so the sessions are tailored to my needs, this ensures I get the most out of each session. I feel I can ask him any questions no matter how silly they may seem. As his role is to support my training, he is not distracted by his own clients or fitting me around sales appointments.

With each meeting we not only look at the advice and process of the protection appointment but discuss positioning and selling protection. Learning the best practice from the outset is very important to me as I find it hard to unlearn bad habits. I am confident that once I am signed off my conversion rate will be higher and my knowledge base broader than if I was trained by another broker.”

- Adviser

Michael has been so successful that this week the Network welcomed Graham Sayer to our growing Supervision and Development team.

It is our goal to bring at least forty advisers through to competency this year via the supervision scheme.

If you are interested in The Right Mortgage and Protection’s Non-CAS training academy, complete the form or contact 01564 732 744 for more information.