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Phoebus Software Limited trains up mental health first aiders

05 July 2022

Phoebus Software Limited (PSL) has introduced mental health first aiders into its workplace to help anyone who needs support.

Five employees are now qualified mental health first aiders who have formed a committee to support PSL colleagues in a confidential and non-judgmental way.

In order to raise awareness of mental health in the workplace PSL provided a lunch and learn session. The mental health first aiders presented to colleagues on what their role is, what they offer and what their plans are next to support the business.

Information is available on PSL’s ‘Be Well’ area on Sharepoint and on office posters as to what resources are available and what people should do to seek support.

PSL also has an Employee Assistance Program which can provide assistance for both physical and mental health.

In 2020/21, stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 50% of all work-related ill health cases, according to the Health and Safety Executive and levels have risen since the Covid pandemic struck. So this is an important issue and one that needs to be addressed.

Kate Langton, chief people officer at PSL said:

“The past two years of the pandemic have been really difficult for some people coping with working from home, isolation, loneliness and losing loved ones.

“We take the welfare of our colleagues extremely seriously and want them all to know they can get help if they need it, no matter how big or small their issues are.

“By appointing mental health first aiders who have been trained and are fully qualified, we hope colleagues will feel able to talk to them and be supported within the workplace. The team’s presence also raises awareness of mental health issues.

“We also encourage colleagues to look out for each other, ask if they are okay, and talk about our mental health like we often do with our physical health.”